This modern shingle style residence is located in Westerly, RI overlooking Quonochontaug Pond, with views of Block Island, Fisher’s Island and the endless Atlantic Ocean. David Andreozzi, typically an architect that specializes in the traditional variants of the shingle style, was asked to take that classical language and bring it kicking and screaming into the future. The treatment of the home’s exterior clearly draws its influence from historical New England structures by using time-proven elements like the warm red cedar shingle siding, traditional divided lite windows and a standing seam copper roof. It is grounded back to the earth with a heavy stone base that references the local walls dividing the properties throughout the local area. The traditional elements are purposely contrasted with a much more contemporary approach to the house’s form: a morphed reinterpretation of the shingle style archetype in a perfect representation of form follows function. David Andreozzi teases “Neo New England vernacular…an out of the box solution based on a deep understanding of classical ornament.”

Construction | Gardner Woodwrights
Photography | Aaron Usher III Photography & David Rizzolo